How to make life better and be a better person? How to improve habits and thinking style?

 Applying philosophical ideals in life will help guide and sharpen your thinking and put direction into it. Following are the most major philosophical points that may help you in this respect: ### 1. **Know Thyself** - **"Know thyself"**: Knowing what you value, desire, and what motivates you is central to personal development and making decisions. ### 2. **Ethical Living** - **Moral Integrity**: Live a life based on ethical principles: honesty, fairness, and compassion. - **Golden Rule**: Treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.   ### 3. **Mindfulness and Presence** - **Living in the Present Moment**: If you can focus on the here and now, you will find much more in life because it does not stress you about the past or anxiety about the future. - **Mindfulness**: Apply mindfulness to create in yourself an awareness and clarity about your deeds and thoughts.   ### 4. **Critical Thinking** - **Questioning Assumptions**: Be regularly critical and test your ...

Landslides in Nepal, its causes and mitigating Measures

 Landslides are geologic hazards that occur on spatial and temporal scales in mountainous landscapes and are frequently responsible for considerable loss of life and property (McKean and Roering 2004). Landslides are rapid mass-wasting processes in which gravity causes a variety of slope-forming material, from soils to rock to artificial fill, to move downwards in the slopes. The term "landslide" encompasses five modes of slope movement: falls, topples, slides, spreads, and flows. These are further subdivided by the type of geologic material (bedrock, debris, or earth). Debris flows (commonly referred to as mudflows or mudslides) and rockfalls are examples of common landslide types.


Data are collected through secondary sources such as books, articles, project reports,

 and websites. Also, data are collected from the sites of the ministry of home affairs too.

Landslides distribution areas in Nepal:

Nepal is a mountainous country with weak and fragile topography leads to landslide frequently even though the area is well forested. Seasonal landslide with starting of monsoon is not only the landslides that cause fatalities and loss of huge property but also off seasonal landslide like falling and rolling of large stone and dry landslide also cause the equal damage.  In the context of distribution, the immature Siwalik region and densely populated mountain areas are highly suffered from landslide problems. In the northern region of the country, being altitude greater than 4000m results in alpine hazards including topples, high wind resulting in the rolling of large rocks, ice leading to avalanche, debris flow, and glacier lake outburst flow.

In the lower side of the Himalayan region, due to the unavailability of plain and favorable land for shelter and cropping, forest regions are being cleared.  Rapid clearing of forest due to overpopulation leads to desertification causing loose soil structure which is easily swept away by ice flow avalanche and glacier lake outburst. Unscientific and unplanned development of road networks in the Siwalik region for linking district headquarters is also a cause of the frequent mass flow of debris and land in this region. Monsoon reach late in the eastern part in comparison to a western part therefore the chances of landslide is less in eastern part than in the western part of the country. Almost all mountainous road networks suffer landslide due to unscientific planning, construction and weak soil topography. Also, areas with large and random deforestation, overgrazing, areas with construction work going on, area near to mines, construction with explosives areas are more prone to landslides.

Causes of landslides in Nepal:

Almost every landslide has multiple causes. Slope movement occurs when forces acting down-slope (mainly due to gravity) exceed the strength of the earth materials that compose the slope. Causes include factors that increase the effects of down-slope forces and factors that contribute to low or reduced strength. Landslides can be initiated in slopes already on the verge of movement by rainfall, snowmelt, and changes in water level, stream erosion, and changes in groundwater, earthquakes, disturbance by human activities, or any combination of these factors. The major cause and prime factor of landslide in Nepal in context after the earthquake of 2015 A.D. is weak geology by the shaking too.

Although if we categorize the causes of landslides in Nepal, there may be broadly two causing factor namely, natural and anthropogenic causes.

A.    Natural causes:

1.      Steep topography: Being a country with loads of hills and mountain, sliding of lands, ice, rocks, and debris are very frequent and prominent. The slope of the hills is almost more than 60 degrees. Almost many high hills are barren and on heavy precipitation due to high relief slides downwards.

2.      Unsteady rugged geology: Due to intense folding and faulting induced by seismic and tectonic plates, soil and rocks became highly weathered and fractured resulting in the sliding down of landmass with beginning of heavy precipitation or offseason in the form of dry landslides. Sometimes, large rocks roll downwards leading a huge mass of land to slide with it too. Nepal being highly brisk of the earthquake, lots of small to medium earthquakes occurring frequently leading to weak geography and fragile structures of the slope.

3.      Concentrated heavy precipitation: Due to undistributed monsoon and heavy rainfall concentrating in certain locations leads to mudflow, earth flow, and sliding of landmass causing huge loss of life and property. In Nepal most of the monsoon rain occurs within a week which leads to flood and water flow in landmass, which along with its force sweep away the landmass. At this condition trees also cannot reduce the risk due to the force of water currents and its pressure.

There are other natural causes of landslides like forest fires which destroy the natural vegetation and increase the risk of a landslide along with soil erosion.

B.     Anthropogenic cause:

1.      Hill cutting and deep excavation: In the name of various infrastructure developments, hill excavation, or cutting has been continuing in Nepal for a long time. Such excavations are extremely unplanned and unscientific which ultimately cause various toppling, rock rolling, dry landslide, and sliding of landmass with the onset of monsoon.

2.      Unplanned mining, infrastructure development and use of explosives: Nepal being a developing country doesn’t have so many mines and mining activity, but the process and methods of mining by private companies is so unplanned and only profit-oriented causing massive sinkholes. Use of explosives during cracking of large rocks for road construction and mining cause shaking of land which causes landslides and debris flow.

3.      Improper land use and farming practices:  Due to the lack of proper plain land for cultivation and shelter, people started to clear the forest and started the cultivation and construction of houses in the high Himalayan region. Improper planning for the cultivation causes huge soil erosion due to steep slopes. The pounding of water and clearing of vegetation for cultivation in steep slopes also induce very serious effects making the slope fragile and prone to landslides.

4.      Deforestation:  Rapid increment in population results in the encroachment in the marginal land for cultivation, shelter, timber, firewood, etc which leads to intensive deforestation. These factors have increased the surface runoff and head and toe erosion, giving rise to landslides. The young Siwalik hill is so fragile that there is a saying “once the forest covers of Siwalik region destroyed, it is extremely difficult to re-grow it".

There is a huge loss of life and property annually in Nepal due to landslides. The highest fatalities ever recorded since 2010 AD is in 2014 where 247 people lost their lives which are a very breathtaking incident for whole Nepal.

Poorly engineered construction and shelter on high steep slope cause massive casualties yearly make people homeless.

Landslide mitigation and its control methods:

Landslides pose a recurrent hazard to human life and livelihood in most parts of the world especially the region that have experienced the rapid population growth and construction taking place. Hazards can be mitigated only through precautionary means for instance. By restricting or even removing populations from an area with a history of landslides, restricting certain types of land use where soil stability is a question, and by installing early warning systems based on monitoring of ground conditions such as strain in rocks and soils, slope displacement, and groundwater levels. Various improvements can be done to mitigate and control frequent landslides of Nepal.

1.      Earthwork for stabilization of slide: Removal of unstable soil or rock mass at the upper part of the slide is the beginning/basic procedure for the stabilization of the slide. All the loose soils, detached blocks located at the upper part of the slide were removed to reduce the load and shear force. During the removal process fractured, cracked rock mass was chiseled and the gradient of the slope was maintained to standard slope the gradient.

2.      Water management: Drainage management plays a vital role in controlling the landslide. Management of drainage networks alone significantly improves the stability of the land. Water management in the slope consists of surface and sub-surface drainage that are capable to take away the water to the natural drainage system.

3.      Structural supports: Structural supports like check dams, retaining walls, and embankments, gabion walls provide external supports and prevent frequent sliding of the landmass.

4.      Effective formulation of policy and its promulgation: Proper policy should be formulated for carrying out any construction works like dams, rural road network, hill excavation, etc, and forbid them to use more explosives and encourage them towards sustainable development. Demarcation of landslide-prone areas by regular soil study, aerial photographs, consulting with local people, and plan the future development accordingly.

5.      Afforestation and soil conservation methods: Afforestation barren hills and landslide-prone steep slope with good anchoring vegetation, ground covering grasses, trees, etc that reduce the direct splash effect improves infiltrations and increase the strength of soil with soil compaction. Planting grasses with a deep fibrous root system, plants with broadleaf will help also to reduce gully formation and increase the infiltration capacity of the soil.

6.      Hazard mapping and public awareness: Hazard maps indicate the possibility of landslides throughout the given area. An idle hazard map shows not only the chances that a landslide might form at a particular place but also the chance that it might travel downslope a given distance. People living near the landslide-prone area should be made aware of the regular weather reports and the possibility of the hazard using means of communication and knowledge should be provided to them for better forest management and to plant barren hill cover.


7.       Soil Bioengineering: soil bioengineering is an applied science that combines structural, biological, and ecological concepts to construct living structures for soil erosion, sediments, and flood control. Technically it is defined as” the site-specific use of plant materials to construct structures that perform an engineering function and are biologically active.” The technology is simple, low cost, replicable and effective, requires little maintenance, and is environmentally friendly and sustainable. Bio-engineering does not replace the standard civil engineering process nor does it offer magic solutions. It does, however, increase the number of available ways to address roadside slope stability problems. It is very reliable and provides a permanent solution to the frequent sliding of lands in developing countries like Nepal. The function of vegetation on this technique has two major functions which are listed in the table.



Hydrological function

Engineering function

1.      Interception: reduces the raindrop splash by vegetation canopy

1.      Catching: stem and roots can catch loose materials

2        Restraint: a dense network of  root binds the soil

2.      Armouring: vegetation reduces water sensitive soil

3        Absorption: roots absorb surface and underground water reducing saturation level.

3.  Anchoring: Taproots of vegetation and binds interlayers of soil.

4.      Infiltration: plant residue increase infiltrations reducing the chance of slides

4. Drainage: dense rooted vegetation makes it easy in both surface and underground drainage.

          Source: Resource manual on flash flood management

Generally, local species of vegetation is best for bioengineering because they will easily thrive on that condition; easily establish them as we need fast adapting plant species in the given condition. Local species of plants are also resistant to many diseases as compare to newly introduced species.

Major species that are used for bioengineering purpose are broom grass (Thysanolaena maxima), vetiver grass (Vetiver zinzaniodes), Babio (Eulaliopsis binata), kans (Saccharum pontaneum), Khar (Cymbopogon microtheca), Bhujetro (Butea minor), chilaune ( Schima wallichi), Khayer ( Acacia catechu), Dhanyero (Woodfordia fruiticosa), Sisau (Dalbergia sisso).

A case study of Krishnabhir is a perfect example of the success of bio-engineering. Krishna Bhir situated 82.5 kilometers from Kathmandu along the Prithvi highway until 2004 was notorious for disrupting the highway to the capital of the nation. Every year until 2004, the place was a nightmare for thousands of commuters traveling along the highway with the landslide with being people stranded on either side of the highways for hours or even days. The transport of the essential supplies was halted. In 2000, an entire side of the mountain slithered down the Trisuli River during the monsoon blocking the highway for 11 days. Even after the debris was cleaned, it would be blocked again following a slight spell of rain. But then in 2004, Krishnabhir got a total facelift. According to Naresh Man Shakya, an engineer at the Department of Roads and the in charge of the project, they used a combination of water and debris management along with bioengineering, the problem was resolved. The team used special grass to trap debris, armored the surface, and anchored the topsoil, thus stopping the slide. Culverts, inclined at 15 degrees, were set up underneath the reconstructed highway over the drained and leftover debris. A retaining wall was constructed at the toe of the slide adjacent to the river. Different other structures such as wire bolsters, wire mesh, seeding, rofa boards (German technology) and seedlings were also used. The total project was completed under Rs 40 million unlike as proposed by a Japanese constructor who studied the landslide and proposed to fix it for over Rs 2 billion. The successful plan was homemade and it is one of the 100 major landslide sites that have been stable since2003-2004.

Developmental work should be carried out in more sustainable way without disrupting the natural condition. Proper and intensive installation of rain gauge and weather station should be carried out to obtain the information so that pattern of landslides which helps to alert the people of landslide-prone area.


Being a mountainous country, every year, Nepal is suffering from the problem of landslides causing a huge loss of economy, human lives affecting the mountain environment adversely. Therefore, an improved understanding of the natural processes, their impacts on natural hazards, and their relationships with human activities on the mountain slopes should be explored to reduce the effects of the landslides. The main hazard attributing factors in Nepal Himalaya are steep slope, improper land use pattern, rock types and associated discontinuity, soil type and, soil depth. The conversion of forestland to arable land and shrubland has been an accelerating hazard and also played a central role in the development of slope instability and surface erosion. The superposition method of landslide hazard mapping is found to be a useful tool for delimiting the areas susceptible to sliding. With proper government planning and the use of technology along with some innovative ideas, conservation of such disaster permanently is possible and loss can be reduced forever. Using both nature and science infrastructure development can be carried out in an eco-friendly way and mitigating measures can be applied which sustain and preserve the degrading land structures with the halt of landslide.


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