How to make life better and be a better person? How to improve habits and thinking style?

 Applying philosophical ideals in life will help guide and sharpen your thinking and put direction into it. Following are the most major philosophical points that may help you in this respect: ### 1. **Know Thyself** - **"Know thyself"**: Knowing what you value, desire, and what motivates you is central to personal development and making decisions. ### 2. **Ethical Living** - **Moral Integrity**: Live a life based on ethical principles: honesty, fairness, and compassion. - **Golden Rule**: Treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.   ### 3. **Mindfulness and Presence** - **Living in the Present Moment**: If you can focus on the here and now, you will find much more in life because it does not stress you about the past or anxiety about the future. - **Mindfulness**: Apply mindfulness to create in yourself an awareness and clarity about your deeds and thoughts.   ### 4. **Critical Thinking** - **Questioning Assumptions**: Be regularly critical and test your ...

GRE words, its meaning and use in sentence.

1.      aberrant  :markedly different from an accepted norm

Hitler’s derived personality profile also suggested that he probably had schizophrenic tendencies, including excessive grandiosity and aberrant thinking.Scientific American (Dec 19, 2011)

2.      abeyance

temporary cessation or suspension

“Usually, at the conclusion of the proceedings, final disposition was held in abeyance, and the alien would remain on bond,” Ms. Galvin wrote.New York Times (Feb 18, 2012)

3.      abscond

run away, often taking something or somebody along

Police have said they are seeking help in locating a prisoner who absconded from a healthcare facility in Belfast.

4.      abstemious

marked by temperance in indulgence

Garnishes were simple, abstemious yet effective players on the plate: squash risotto, puréed fennel, bacon-onion jam.New York Times (Nov 20, 2010)

5.      abstruse

difficult to understand

Other artists produce maddeningly abstruse drawings that relate to their better-known performances.New York Times (Mar 24, 2011)

6.      absurd

inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense

7.      abyss

a bottomless gulf or pit

8.      acquiesce

agree or express agreement

American officials initially tried to resist President Karzai’s moves but eventually acquiesced.New York Times (Mar 9, 2012)

9.      adamant

very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem

10.                        adept

having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude

  • She was an adept at every variety of artistic work.

11.                         admonish

scold or reprimand; take to task

12.                         adulate

flatter in an obsequious manner

The main man at SOM was David Childs, now aged 70, prominent for decades in American architecture but never adulated like its more glamorous stars.

13.                         adulation

exaggerated flattery or praise

14.                         adulterate

make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance

15.                         adumbrate

describe roughly or give the main points or summary of

He vaguely adumbrated what it was out of which she came.Wells, H. G. (Herbert George)

16.                         adverse

in an opposing direction

17.                         aesthete

one who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art

18.                         affable

diffusing warmth and friendliness

19.                         affliction

a cause of great suffering and distress

20.                         affluent

having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value

21.                         aggrandize

embellish; increase the scope, power, or importance of

Beyond facial and vocal signs of disapproval, there are sometimes bizarre, exaggerated movements, like abrupt stops or aggrandized sidesteps.New York Times (Nov 7, 2011)

22.                         agitate

move or cause to move back and forth

23.                         agog

highly excited

24.                         alacrity

liveliness and eagerness

Thus far, although perhaps somewhat lacking in alacrity of persecution, no serious charges could be laid against him.Lea, Henry Charles

25.                         allegation

a formal accusation against somebody

26.                         allegiance

the act of binding yourself to a course of action

27.                         ally

a friendly nation

28.                         amalgamate

bring or combine together or with something else

29.                         ambiguous

having more than one possible meaning

30.                         ambivalent

uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow

31.                         ambrosial

worthy of the gods

32.                         ameliorate

make better

33.                         amenable

disposed or willing to comply

34.                         anachronism

locating something at a time when it couldn't have existed

35.                         analgesic

capable of relieving pain

36.                         annex

attach to

Opponents say Ma’s moves will make it easier for Beijing leaders to eventually annex Taiwan, which they view as province of China.Forbes (Jan 13, 2012)

37.                         annotate

add explanatory notes to or supply with critical comments

38.                         annul

cancel officially

39.                         anomalous

deviating from the general or common order or type

40.                         antediluvian

of or relating to the period before the biblical flood

41.                         antipathy

a feeling of intense dislike

42.                         antiseptic

thoroughly clean and free of disease-causing organisms

43.                         aphoristic

terse and witty and like a maxim

His best writing has always had an aphoristic quality, and that’s true here.New York Times (May 10, 2011)

44.                         apocryphal

being of questionable authenticity

45.                         apparition

a ghostly appearing figure

46.                         appraise

consider in a comprehensive way

47.                         apprehension

fearful expectation or anticipation

48.                         apprise

inform somebody of something

49.                         approbation

official acceptance or agreement

“Perhaps,” he said, “painting him was one way of trying to elicit more love and approbation.”New York Times (Apr 13, 2012)

50.                         aptitude

inherent ability

51.                         aqueous

similar to or containing or dissolved in water

The fact that an aqueous solution of these ashes affects the coloured parts of many plants was also noticed in early times.Muir, M. M. Pattison (Matthew Moncrieff Pattison)

52.                         arable

capable of being farmed productively

53.                         arbitrate

act between parties with a view to reconciling differences

54.                         arduous

characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion

55.                         articulate

express or state clearly

56.                         ascetic

someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline

57.                         ascribe

attribute or credit to

58.                         asperity

harshness of manner

"Standin' an' looking at the blessed thing won't clear away this raffle," said the Old Man with asperity.Westerman, Percy F. (Percy Francis)

59.                         aspersion

a disparaging remark

60.                         aspiration

a cherished desire

61.                         assess

estimate the nature, quality, ability or significance of

62.                         assuage

provide physical relief, as from pain

63.                         astringent

tending to draw together or constrict soft organic tissue

64.                         astute

marked by practical hardheaded intelligence

65.                         atone

turn away from sin or do penitence

Regulators can begin to atone for their past laxity by helping the working group now.New York Times (Mar 1, 2012)

66.                         atrophy

a decrease in size of an organ caused by disease or disuse

67.                         attentive

taking heed

68.                         attenuate

become weaker, in strength, value, or magnitude

69.                         audacious

disposed to venture or take risks

70.                         augment

enlarge or increase

71.                         auspicious

indicating favorable circumstances and good luck

Five years later, the corporate law world is again abuzz over the firm, Dewey & LeBoeuf, but for less auspicious reasons.New York Times (Mar 15, 2012)

72.                         austere

of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor

73.                         avarice

reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth

74.                         aver

declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true

75.                         averse

strongly opposed

76.                         avert

turn away or aside

77.                         avid

marked by active interest and enthusiasm

78.                         baleful

threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

79.                         balk

refuse to proceed or comply

80.                         banal

repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse

Nor is it his material, which sticks to deft takes on relatively banal subjects like chain stores or hipster attitudes.New York Times (Mar 21, 2012)

81.                         baneful

evil or sinister

82.                         banter

light teasing repartee

83.                         barefaced

with no effort to conceal

84.                         bask

expose oneself to warmth and light, as for relaxation

85.                         belie

be in contradiction with

86.                         bellicose

having or showing a ready disposition to fight

87.                         benevolent

showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding

88.                         benign

kind in disposition or manner

89.                         bilk

cheat somebody out of what is due, especially money

So-called boiler-rooms, where corrupt brokers bilked investors by manipulating stocks, were giving way to insider-trading.

90.                         bizarre

conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual

91.                         blandishment

flattery intended to persuade

92.                         bleak

unpleasantly cold and damp

93.                         blithe

carefree and happy and lighthearted

94.                         blunder

an embarrassing mistake

95.                         board

a stout length of sawn timber

96.                         bog

wet spongy ground of decomposing vegetation

97.                         bogus

fraudulent; having a misleading appearance

98.                         bolster

support and strengthen

99.                         bombast

pompous or pretentious talk or writing

But he lost his nerve as a coproducer, going for stadium bombast instead of the unadorned grit these stories of hard times demand.

100.                    boor

a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking refinement

101.                    breach

an opening, especially a gap in a dike or fortification

102.                    brisk

quick and energetic

103.                    brittle

having little elasticity

104.                    brood

hang over, as of something threatening, dark, or menacing

105.                    burgeon

grow and flourish

106.                    burlesque

a theatrical entertainment of broad and earthy humor

107.                    buttress

a support usually of stone or brick

108.                    cadge

obtain or seek to obtain by wheedling

109.                    cajole

influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering

110.                    calisthenics

light exercises designed to promote general fitness

111.                    cant

a slope in the turn of a road or track

112.                    caprice

a sudden desire

At length, when they were fully out of earshot, Manners himself stopped, thinking that he had humoured his companion's caprices far enough.James, G. P. R. (George Payne Rainsford)

113.                    captor

a person who entraps and holds someone else

114.                    castigate

inflict severe punishment on

115.                    catalyst

substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction

116.                    caustic

capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action

117.                    cavern

a large cave or a large chamber in a cave

118.                    censor

a person authorized to suppress unacceptable material

119.                    censure

harsh criticism or disapproval

120.                    cessation

a stopping

121.                    charter

a document creating an institution and specifying its rights

122.                    chary

characterized by great caution

Many, perhaps chary of the misspelling bell, backed away slowly after their word.New York Times (Mar 21, 2012)

123.                    chicanery

the use of tricks to deceive someone

124.                    circumlocution

an indirect way of expressing something

125.                    circumspect

careful to consider potential consequences and avoid risk

126.                    claim

assert or affirm strongly

127.                    clot

a lump of material formed from the content of a liquid

128.                    clumsy

lacking grace in movement or posture

129.                    coagulant

an agent that produces coagulation

They were all suitable coagulants when used in quantity calculated from the discovered acidity, but produced rubber darker than ordinary when air-dried.Morgan, Sidney

130.                    coerce

cause to do through pressure or necessity

131.                    cogent

powerfully persuasive

132.                    cognizance

the state or act of having knowledge of

133.                    coherent

marked by an orderly and consistent relation of parts

134.                    collusion

secret agreement

135.                    commensurate

corresponding in size or degree or extent

“He was terribly hyper, ambitious,” Mr. Evtushenkov said — and thus, he implied, forgot the rule about operating commensurate with political influence.New York Times (May 4, 2012)

136.                    commentator

an expert who observes and remarks on something

137.                    complacent

contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions

138.                    complaisant

showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others

139.                    composure

steadiness of mind under stress

140.                    concede

give over

141.                    conceit

the trait of being unduly vain

142.                    concession

the act of yielding

143.                    conciliatory

making or willing to make concessions

144.                    concoct

make something by mixing

145.                    concur

happen simultaneously

146.                    condescend

behave in a patronizing manner

147.                    conducive

tending to bring about; being partly responsible for

148.                    confidential

given in secret

149.                    confine

place limits on

150.                    conflagration

a very intense and uncontrolled fire

There are concerns that the conflict could cause a regional conflagration that sucks in neighboring countries.Time (Mar 27, 2012)

151.                    conflate

mix together different elements

152.                    confound

be confusing or perplexing to

153.                    confrontation

discord resulting from a clash of ideas or opinions

154.                    congruent

corresponding in character or kind

155.                    conifer

a type of tree or shrub bearing cones

156.                    conjecture

believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds

157.                    conjure

summon into action or bring into existence

158.                    conscript

enroll into service compulsorily

159.                    consensus

agreement in the judgment reached by a group as a whole

160.                    consign

give over to another for care or safekeeping

161.                    console

give moral or emotional strength to

162.                    conspicuous

obvious to the eye or mind

163.                    conspire

act in agreement and in secret towards a deceitful purpose

164.                    consternation

sudden shock or dismay that causes confusion

165.                    contend

compete for something

166.                    contentious

showing an inclination to disagree

167.                    contingent

determined by conditions or circumstances that follow

168.                    contrite

feeling or expressing pain or sorrow

169.                    controversial

marked by or capable of causing disagreement

170.                    convoke

call together

171.                    convoluted

highly complex or intricate

172.                    corporal

affecting the body as opposed to the mind or spirit

173.                    corroborate

give evidence for

174.                    covert

secret or hidden

175.                    covet

wish, long, or crave for

176.                    cower

crouch or curl up

177.                    coy

affectedly shy especially in a playful or provocative way

178.                    crave

have an appetite or great desire for

179.                    craven

lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful

180.                    crease

an angular indentation made by folding

181.                    credulity

tendency to believe readily

182.                    crockery

ceramic dishes used for serving food

183.                    culpable

deserving blame or censure as being wrong or injurious

184.                    curb

the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess

185.                    dabble

bob under so as to feed off the bottom of a body of water

186.                    dampen

lessen in force or effect

187.                    dangle

hang freely

188.                    dazzle

cause to lose clear vision, especially from intense light

189.                    dearth

an insufficient quantity or number

190.                    debacle

a sudden and complete disaster

191.                    debilitate

make weak

192.                    decorous

characterized by propriety and dignity and good taste

193.                    decorum

propriety in manners and conduct

194.                    decree

a legally binding command or decision

195.                    decry

express strong disapproval of

196.                    dedication

complete and wholehearted fidelity

197.                    defer

yield to another's wish or opinion

198.                    deference

courteous regard for people's feelings

199.                    defiance

a hostile challenge

200.                    defiant

boldly resisting authority or an opposing force

201.                    deft

skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands

202.                    delineate

represented accurately or precisely

203.                    deluge

a heavy rain

204.                    demote

assign to a lower position; reduce in rank

205.                    demur

politely refuse or take exception to

206.                    denounce

speak out against

207.                    denunciation

a public act of condemnation

208.                    deposition

the act of putting something somewhere

209.                    deprivation

the disadvantage that results from losing something

210.                    deprive

take away

211.                    descry

catch sight of

212.                    desiccate

lacking vitality or spirit; lifeless

213.                    desperate

a person who is frightened and in need of help

214.                    despicable

morally reprehensible

215.                    detached

no longer connected or joined

216.                    deter

turn away from as by fear or persuasion

217.                    devoid

completely wanting or lacking

218.                    diatribe

thunderous verbal attack

219.                    dichotomy

a classification into two opposed parts or subclasses

220.                    diffident

showing modest reserve

221.                    digress

wander from a direct or straight course

222.                    dilettante

an amateur engaging in an activity without serious intention

223.                    diligent

quietly and steadily persevering in detail or exactness

224.                    din

a loud, harsh, or strident noise

225.                    dirge

a song or hymn of mourning as a memorial to a dead person

226.                    disabuse

free somebody from an erroneous belief

227.                    disassemble

take apart

228.                    disburse

expend, as from a fund

229.                    discomfit

cause to lose one's composure

230.                    discourse

an extended communication dealing with some particular topic

231.                    discreet

marked by prudence or modesty and wise self-restraint

232.                    discrete

constituting a separate entity or part

233.                    disdain

lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike

234.                    disguise

any attire that conceals the wearer's identity

235.                    disinterested

unaffected by concern for one's own welfare

236.                    dislodge

remove or force from a position previously occupied

237.                    disparate

fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind

238.                    disparity

inequality or difference in some respect

239.                    dispassionate

unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice

240.                    dispel

cause to separate and go in different directions

241.                    disprove

show to be false

242.                    disrobe

get undressed

243.                    dissemble

behave unnaturally or affectedly

244.                    dissent

a difference of opinion

245.                    distend

cause to expand as if by internal pressure

246.                    distract

draw someone's attention away from something

247.                    distraught

deeply agitated especially from emotion

248.                    divest

take away possessions from someone

249.                    divulge

make known to the public information previously kept secret

250.                    docile

easily handled or managed

251.                    dogmatic

pertaining to a code of beliefs accepted as authoritative

252.                    doleful

filled with or evoking sadness

253.                    dormant

inactive but capable of becoming active

254.                    drab

a dull greyish to yellowish or light olive brown

255.                    drawl

a slow speech pattern with prolonged vowels

256.                    droll

comical in an odd or whimsical manner

257.                    drone

make a monotonous low dull sound

258.                    drought

a shortage of rainfall

259.                    dubious

fraught with uncertainty or doubt

260.                    dumbfound

be a mystery or bewildering to

261.                    dupe

fool or hoax

262.                    dwarf

a person who is markedly small

263.                    dwindle

become smaller or lose substance

264.                    ebullient

joyously unrestrained

265.                    eclectic

selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas

266.                    efface

remove by or as if by rubbing or erasing

267.                    efficacious

giving the power to produce an intended result

268.                    effrontery

audacious behavior that you have no right to

269.                    egalitarian

favoring social equality

270.                    egregious

conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible

271.                    elicit

call forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response

272.                    eloquence

powerful and effective language

273.                    elucidate

make clear and comprehensible

274.                    elusive

skillful at evading capture

275.                    embellish

make more attractive, as by adding ornament or color

276.                    embrace

squeeze tightly in your arms, usually with fondness

277.                    emissary

someone sent to represent another's interests

278.                    emollient

a substance with a soothing effect when applied to the skin

Unlike his emollient predecessor, Sir Rod Eddington, Walsh has an uncompromising style and has proved willing to confront unions head-on, with decidedly mixed results.

279.                    enchant

cast a spell over someone or something

280.                    encomium

a formal expression of praise

281.                    encroach

advance beyond the usual limit

282.                    encumber

hold back, impede, or weigh down

283.                    endeavor

attempt by employing effort

284.                    endorse

approve of

285.                    enervate

weaken physically, mentally, or morally

286.                    engender

call forth

287.                    engrossed

giving or marked by complete attention to

288.                    enigma

something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained

289.                    enlist

join the military

290.                    ensign

a person who holds a commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy

291.                    enthral

hold spellbound

292.                    entrenched

dug in

293.                    ephemeral

anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day

294.                    epistemology

the philosophical theory of knowledge

295.                    epistle

a specially long, formal letter

296.                    epithet

descriptive word or phrase

297.                    epitome

a standard or typical example

298.                    equivocate

be deliberately ambiguous or unclear

299.                    equivocation

intentional vagueness or ambiguity

300.                    eradicate

destroy completely, as if down to the roots

301.                    erratic

liable to sudden unpredictable change

302.                    erudite

having or showing profound knowledge

303.                    eschew

avoid and stay away from deliberately

304.                    esoteric

understandable only by an enlightened inner circle

305.                    espouse

choose and follow a theory, idea, policy, etc.

306.                    espy

catch sight of

307.                    ethos

the distinctive spirit of a culture or an era

308.                    euphemism

an inoffensive expression substituted for an offensive one

309.                    euphoria

a feeling of great elation

310.                    evanescent

short-lived; tending to vanish or disappear

311.                    evict

expel or eject without recourse to legal process

312.                    evoke

call forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response

313.                    exacerbate

make worse

314.                    exculpate

pronounce not guilty of criminal charges

315.                    exemplary

worthy of imitation

316.                    exemplify

be characteristic of

317.                    exhort

spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts

318.                    exigent

demanding immediate attention

319.                    exonerate

pronounce not guilty of criminal charges

320.                    exorbitant

greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation

321.                    expend

use up or consume fully

322.                    expiate

make amends for

323.                    explicit

precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable

324.                    exploit

use or manipulate to one's advantage

325.                    extant

still in existence; not extinct or destroyed or lost

326.                    extempore

with little or no preparation or forethought

327.                    extensive

large in spatial extent or range or scope or quantity

328.                    extent

the point or degree to which something extends

329.                    extol

praise, glorify, or honor

330.                    extravagant

recklessly wasteful

331.                    exuberant

joyously unrestrained

332.                    facetious

cleverly amusing in tone

333.                    faddish

intensely fashionable or popular for a short time

In the West investing in fine wine instead of equities, bonds or commodities has become something of a faddish way to diversify one’s portfolio.

334.                    fallacious

containing or based on incorrect reasoning

335.                    fallacy

a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning

336.                    falter

move hesitatingly, as if about to give way

337.                    fanatical

marked by excessive enthusiasm for a cause or idea

338.                    fathom

a linear unit of measurement for water depth

339.                    fawn

a young deer

340.                    feckless

generally incompetent and ineffectual

341.                    feign

make believe with the intent to deceive

342.                    felicitate

express congratulations

343.                    felon

someone who has been legally convicted of a crime

344.                    fervent

characterized by intense emotion

345.                    fervid

characterized by intense emotion

346.                    fervor

feelings of great warmth and intensity

347.                    feud

a bitter quarrel between two parties

348.                    fickle

liable to sudden unpredictable change

349.                    fidget

move restlessly

350.                    finicky

fussy, especially about details

351.                    flamboyant

tending to attract attention; marked by ostentatious display

352.                    flatter

praise somewhat dishonestly

353.                    flaunt

display proudly

354.                    fledgling

young bird that has just become capable of flying

355.                    flimsy

a thin strong lightweight translucent paper

356.                    flinch

draw back, as with fear or pain

357.                    flippant

showing an inappropriate lack of seriousness

358.                    flirt

talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions

359.                    flop

fall loosely

360.                    florid

elaborately or excessively ornamented

361.                    flounder

move clumsily or struggle to move, as in mud or water

362.                    flout

treat with contemptuous disregard

363.                    fluffy

like down or as soft as down

364.                    fluke

a stroke of luck

365.                    flustered

thrown into a state of agitated confusion

366.                    foible

a minor weakness or peculiarity in someone's character

367.                    foment

try to stir up

368.                    foment

try to stir up

369.                    foolhardy

marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences

370.                    foppish

overly concerned with extreme elegance in dress and manner

371.                    foreclosure

proceedings initiated to repossess the collateral for a loan

372.                    forestall

keep from happening or arising; make impossible

373.                    forge

create by hammering

374.                    forgery

criminal falsification by making or altering an instrument

375.                    formidable

extremely impressive in strength or excellence

376.                    forthright

directly and without evasion; not roundabout

377.                    fortuitous

lucky; occurring by happy chance

378.                    foster

providing nurture though not related by blood or legal ties

379.                    fracas

a noisy quarrel

380.                    fraud

intentional deception resulting in injury to another person

381.                    frenzy

state of violent mental agitation

382.                    fret

be agitated or irritated

383.                    frivolous

not serious in content, attitude, or behavior

384.                    frown

a facial expression of dislike or displeasure

385.                    fulminate

cause to explode violently and with loud noise

386.                    furtive

secret and sly

387.                    gaffe

a socially awkward or tactless act

388.                    gainsay

take exception to

389.                    garner

assemble or get together

390.                    garrulous

full of trivial conversation

391.                    gauche

lacking social polish

It was not that long ago he appeared gauche and unco-ordinated, every bit a former second-row camping out on the wing.

392.                    gaudy

tastelessly showy

393.                    gavel

a small mallet used by a presiding officer or a judge

394.                    ghastly

shockingly repellent; inspiring horror

395.                    gird

bind with something round or circular

396.                    gist

the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work

397.                    glib

artfully persuasive in speech

398.                    gloat

dwell on with satisfaction

399.                    goad

stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick

400.                    gorge

a deep ravine, usually with a river running through it

401.                    gossamer

a gauze fabric with an extremely fine texture

402.                    gouge

an impression in a surface, as made by a blow

403.                    gravel

rock fragments and pebbles

404.                    gravity

the force of attraction between all masses in the universe

405.                    grazing

the act of grazing

406.                    gregarious

temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others

407.                    grill

a framework of metal bars used as a partition or a grate

408.                    grovel

show submission or fear

409.                    grudging

petty or reluctant in giving or spending

410.                    grumble

make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath

411.                    guarded

cautious and reserved

412.                    guile

shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception

413.                    guileless

innocent and free of deceit

414.                    gullible

naive and easily deceived or tricked

415.                    hackneyed

repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse

416.                    hallucinate

have illusions; perceive what is not actually there

417.                    hamper

prevent the progress or free movement of

418.                    hapless

unfortunate and deserving pity

419.                    harangue

a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion

420.                    harbor

a sheltered port where ships can take on or discharge cargo

421.                    herbaceous

characteristic of a nonwoody herb or plant part

422.                    heretic

a person whose religious beliefs conflict with church dogma

423.                    heretical

departing from accepted beliefs or standards

424.                    heterodox

characterized by departure from accepted standards

425.                    hoax

something intended to deceive

426.                    holster

a sheath for carrying a handgun

427.                    homeopathy

a method of treating disease with small amounts of remedies that, in large amounts in healthy people, produce symptoms similar to those being treated

428.                    hyperbole

extravagant exaggeration

429.                    hypocritical

professing feelings or virtues one does not have

430.                    iconoclast

someone who attacks cherished ideas or institutions

431.                    idiosyncrasy

a behavioral attribute peculiar to an individual

432.                    idolatrous

relating to or practicing idolatry

433.                    illicit

contrary to accepted morality or convention

434.                    imbibe

take in liquids

435.                    imbue

spread or diffuse through

436.                    immutable

not subject or susceptible to change or variation

437.                    impair

make worse or less effective

438.                    impassive

having or revealing little emotion or sensibility

439.                    impecunious

not having enough money to pay for necessities

440.                    impede

be a hindrance or obstacle to

441.                    impediment

something immaterial that interferes with action or progress

442.                    imperative

requiring attention or action

443.                    imperious

having or showing arrogant superiority

444.                    impervious

not admitting of passage or capable of being affected

445.                    impetuous

characterized by undue haste and lack of thought

446.                    implacable

incapable of being appeased or pacified

447.                    imposture

pretending to be another person

448.                    impregnable

incapable of being attacked or tampered with

449.                    impromptu

with little or no preparation or forethought

450.                    improvidence

a lack of prudence, care, or foresight

451.                    improvise

manage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand

452.                    impudent

improperly forward or bold

453.                    impugn

attack as false or wrong

454.                    impunity

exemption from punishment or loss

455.                    inadvertent

happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally

456.                    inauspicious

boding ill

457.                    inchoate

only partly in existence; imperfectly formed

458.                    incidence

the relative frequency of occurrence of something

459.                    incipient

only partly in existence; imperfectly formed

460.                    incongruous

lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness

461.                    incorrigible

impervious to correction by punishment

462.                    incursion

the act of entering some territory or domain

463.                    indelible

not able to be removed or erased

464.                    indict

accuse formally of a crime

465.                    indigenous

originating where it is found

466.                    indignant

angered at something unjust or wrong

467.                    induce

cause to act in a specified manner

468.                    indulge

yield to; give satisfaction to

469.                    ineffable

defying expression or description

470.                    inept

generally incompetent and ineffectual

471.                    inextricable

incapable of being disentangled or untied

472.                    infiltrate

pass through an enemy line in a military conflict

473.                    inflammable

easily ignited

474.                    infuse

fill, as with a certain quality

475.                    ingenious

showing inventiveness and skill

476.                    ingenuous

lacking in sophistication or worldliness

477.                    ingrained

deeply rooted; firmly fixed or held

478.                    inimical

tending to obstruct or cause harm

479.                    iniquitous

characterized by injustice or wickedness

480.                    innocuous

not injurious to physical or mental health

481.                    inopportune

not suitable for a purpose

482.                    inquisitive

given to questioning

483.                    insatiate

impossible to satisfy

484.                    insensible

barely able to be perceived

485.                    insignia

a badge worn to show official position

486.                    insinuate

suggest in an indirect or covert way; give to understand

487.                    insipid

lacking interest or significance or impact

488.                    insular

relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island

489.                    intact

undamaged in any way

490.                    interregnum

the time between two reigns or governments

491.                    intransigent

impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, or reason

492.                    intrepid

invulnerable to fear or intimidation

493.                    intricate

having many complexly arranged elements; elaborate

494.                    intrigue

a crafty and involved plot to achieve your ends

495.                    inundate

fill or cover completely, usually with water

496.                    inured

made tough by habitual exposure

497.                    invective

abusive language used to express blame or censure

498.                    invert

turn inside out or upside down

499.                    invigorate

give life or energy to

500.                    invoke

request earnestly; ask for aid or protection

501.                    irascible

quickly aroused to anger

502.                    irate

feeling or showing extreme anger

503.                    jamb

a vertical side piece of a door or window frame

504.                    jeer

laugh at with contempt and derision

505.                    jeopardy

a source of danger

506.                    jest

activity characterized by good humor

507.                    jocular

characterized by jokes and good humor

508.                    jovial

full of or showing high-spirited merriment

509.                    judicious

marked by the exercise of common sense in practical matters

510.                    lackluster

not having brilliance or vitality

511.                    laconic

brief and to the point

512.                    lasso

a long noosed rope used to catch animals

513.                    latitude

an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator

514.                    laudable

worthy of high praise

515.                    lavish

very generous

516.                    leash

restraint consisting of a rope used to restrain an animal

517.                    leaven

a substance used to produce fermentation in dough

518.                    lethargic

deficient in alertness or activity

519.                    lethargy

inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy

520.                    levee

an embankment built to prevent a river from overflowing

521.                    leviathan

the largest or most massive thing of its kind

522.                    levy

impose and collect

523.                    libertine

unrestrained by convention or morality

524.                    ligneous

consisting of or resembling wood

The interior is filled with a powder that under the microscope appears to be made up of ligneous filaments mixed with a few spores.Lloyd, C. G.

525.                    limerick

a humorous rhymed verse form of five lines

“It was no problem,” said Ms. Campbell, who lives in Lake Oswego, Ore., and uses her iPad daily to write limericks and reread classic novels.New York Times (Sep 1, 2010)

526.                    limp

walk impeded by some physical injury

527.                    linen

a fabric woven with fibers from the flax plant

528.                    literal

limited to the explicit meaning of a word or text

529.                    lizard

relatively long-bodied reptile with legs and a tapering tail

530.                    loafer

a person who is idle and does no work

531.                    loll

be lazy or idle

532.                    loom

a textile machine for weaving yarn into a textile

533.                    lope

run easily

534.                    loquacious

full of trivial conversation

535.                    lucid

transparently clear; easily understandable

536.                    lucrative

producing a sizeable profit

537.                    ludicrous

inviting ridicule

538.                    lugubrious

excessively mournful

539.                    lull

make calm or still

540.                    lumber

the wood of trees prepared for use as building material

541.                    luminous

softly bright or radiant

542.                    lustrous

reflecting light

543.                    mace

a ceremonial staff carried as a symbol of office

544.                    macerate

soften and cause to disintegrate as a result

545.                    magnanimity

nobility and generosity of spirit

546.                    malapropism

misuse of a word by confusion with one that sounds similar

547.                    malevolent

wishing or appearing to wish evil to others

548.                    malign

speak unfavorably about

549.                    malingerer

someone shirking duty by feigning illness or incapacity

Stanford failed tests designed to expose malingerers, a psychologist testified yesterday in Houston.

550.                    manifest

clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment

551.                    martial

suggesting war or military life

552.                    martinet

someone who demands exact conformity to rules and forms

553.                    maverick

someone who exhibits independence in thought and action

554.                    meager

deficient in amount or quality or extent

555.                    meddle

intrude in other people's affairs or business

556.                    mediocre

moderate to inferior in quality

557.                    mend

restore by putting together what is torn or broken

558.                    mendacious

given to lying

559.                    mercenary

a person hired to fight for another country than their own

560.                    mercurial

liable to sudden unpredictable change

561.                    metaphysics

the philosophical study of being and knowing

562.                    meticulous

marked by precise accordance with details

563.                    mettle

the courage to carry on

564.                    mettlesome

having a proud, courageous, and unbroken spirit

565.                    minuscule

very small

566.                    mirth

great merriment

567.                    misanthrope

someone who dislikes people in general

568.                    misnomer

an incorrect or unsuitable name

569.                    misogynist

a misanthrope who dislikes women in particular

570.                    mistrust

regard with suspicion

571.                    mitigate

lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of

572.                    moat

ditch dug as a fortification and usually filled with water

573.                    mollify

cause to be more favorably inclined

574.                    mollycoddle

treat with excessive indulgence

The behaviorist John B. Watson argued that mollycoddled toddlers grew into weak and whiny adults.Slate (Dec 7, 2010)

575.                    molt

cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers

The challenging crabs had recently molted, so perhaps it wanted a good position to regain its bacterial covering.Scientific American (Dec 5, 2011)

576.                    morose

showing a brooding ill humor

577.                    mosaic

design made of small pieces of colored stone or glass

578.                    mundane

found in the ordinary course of events

579.                    nadir

the lowest point of anything

580.                    narcotic

a drug that produces numbness or stupor

581.                    nausea

the state that precedes vomiting

582.                    nefarious

extremely wicked

583.                    neglect

leave undone or leave out

584.                    neuralgia

acute spasmodic pain along the course of one or more nerves

585.                    nocturnal

belonging to or active during the night

586.                    noisome

causing or able to cause nausea

587.                    nonchalant

marked by casual unconcern or indifference

588.                    nondescript

lacking distinct or individual characteristics

589.                    nonplused

filled with bewilderment

Mr. Reginald Kent looked rather nonplused and Mr. Tucker handed me his gun to hold while he rolled in the leaves for very joy.Speed, Nell

590.                    note

a brief written record

591.                    notion

a general inclusive concept

592.                    oaf

an awkward, foolish person

593.                    obdurate

stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing

594.                    obeisance

bending the head or body in reverence or submission

595.                    obelisk

a stone pillar tapering towards a pyramidal top

596.                    obese

excessively large

597.                    obfuscate

make obscure or unclear

598.                    obituary

a notice of someone's death

599.                    objurgate

censure severely

600.                    objurgation

rebuking a person harshly

Then more blows, a general rising up of that part of the congregation, and a pouring out of profane objurgations that was surprising.McBride, R. E.

601.                    oblation

the act of contributing to the funds of a church or charity

602.                    obligatory

required by compulsion or convention

603.                    oblique

slanting or inclined in direction or course or position

604.                    obliquity

the quality of being deliberately vague or deceptive

605.                    obliterate

remove completely from recognition or memory

606.                    oblivion

the state of being disregarded or forgotten

607.                    obloquy

state of disgrace resulting from public abuse

608.                    obnoxious

causing disapproval or protest

609.                    obscure

not clearly understood or expressed

610.                    obsequious

attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery

611.                    obsession

an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something

612.                    obsidian

glass formed by the cooling of lava without crystallization

613.                    obsolete

no longer in use

614.                    obstetrician

a physician specializing in childbirth

615.                    obstreperous

noisily and stubbornly defiant

616.                    obtrude

push to thrust outward

617.                    obtrusive

sticking out; protruding

618.                    obtuse

of an angle, between 90 and 180 degrees

619.                    obviate

do away with

620.                    obvious

easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind

621.                    occult

supernatural forces and events and beings collectively

622.                    oculist

a person skilled in testing for defects of vision

623.                    odious

extremely repulsive or unpleasant

624.                    odium

hate coupled with disgust

625.                    odoriferous

emitting a smell, especially an unpleasant smell

626.                    odorous

having a characteristic aroma

627.                    offal

viscera and trimmings of a butchered animal

628.                    offertory

the offerings of the congregation at a religious service

It is very difficult to say whether they should be read before or after the offertory and prayer for the Church Militant.Unknown

629.                    officious

intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner

630.                    ogle

stare or look at, especially with amorous intentions

631.                    olfactory

of or relating to the sense of smell

632.                    oligarchy

a political system governed by a few people

633.                    ominous

threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

634.                    omnipotent

having unlimited power

635.                    omnipresent

existing everywhere at once

636.                    omniscient

knowing, seeing, or understanding everything

637.                    omnivorous

feeding on both plants and animals

638.                    onerous

burdensome or difficult to endure

639.                    onomatopoeia

using words that imitate the sound they denote

640.                    onslaught

an offensive against an enemy

641.                    onus

a burdensome or difficult concern

642.                    opalescent

having a play of lustrous rainbow colors

643.                    opaque

not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy

644.                    opiate

a narcotic drug

645.                    opportune

suitable or advantageous especially for a particular purpose

646.                    opportunist

a person who places expediency above principle

647.                    opprobrious

expressing offensive reproach

648.                    opprobrium

a state of extreme dishonor

649.                    optician

a worker who makes glasses for remedying defects of vision

650.                    optimum

most desirable possible under a restriction

651.                    optometrist

a person skilled in testing for defects of vision

652.                    opulence

wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living

653.                    opus

a musical work that has been created

654.                    oratorio

a musical composition for voices and orchestra

655.                    ordinance

an authoritative rule

656.                    orientation

the act of determining one's position

657.                    orifice

an opening, especially one that opens into a bodily cavity

658.                    orison

reverent petition to a deity

659.                    ornate

marked by complexity and richness of detail

660.                    ornithologist

a scientist who studies birds

661.                    ornithology

the branch of zoology that studies birds

662.                    orotund

overly formal and pompous in style

It may, of course, vary in pitch, but tones of low pitch that are intended to be impressive are most suitably rendered in orotund quality.Ontario. Ministry of Education

663.                    orthography

representing the sounds of a language by written symbols

664.                    oscillate

move or swing from side to side regularly

665.                    ossified

set in a rigidly conventional pattern of behavior or beliefs

But voters like George Pappas, 37, a physical therapist, say they're equally as angry at the ossified politics at home.

666.                    ostensible

appearing as such but not necessarily so

667.                    ostentatious

intended to attract notice and impress others

668.                    ostracism

the act of excluding someone from society by general consent

669.                    ostracize

expel from a community or group

670.                    outgrowth

the gradual beginning or coming forth

671.                    outmoded

no longer in fashion

672.                    outset

the time at which something is supposed to begin

673.                    overhaul

make repairs, renovations, revisions or adjustments to

674.                    overt

open and observable; not secret or hidden

675.                    overture

orchestral music at the beginning of an opera or musical

676.                    overweening

presumptuously arrogant

677.                    overwrought

deeply agitated especially from emotion

678.                    pan

shallow container made of metal

679.                    panegyric

formally expressing praise

680.                    paragon

a perfect embodiment of a concept

681.                    parasite

an animal or plant that lives in or on a host

682.                    parquetry

a patterned wood inlay used to cover a floor

He seemed like a clumsy circus hero as he scraped his feet over the parquetry and attempted to kiss her hand.Huneker, James

683.                    pathology

the branch of medical science that studies diseases

684.                    paucity

an insufficient quantity or number

685.                    pebble

a small smooth rounded rock

686.                    peccadillo

a petty misdeed

Mr. Hurd’s supposed peccadilloes were a smoke screen for the real reason they got rid of an executive they didn’t trust and employees didn’t like.New York Times (Aug 13, 2010)

687.                    pedant

a person who pays too much attention to formal rules

688.                    pedantry

an ostentatious and inappropriate display of learning

689.                    pedestrian

a person who travels by foot

690.                    peer

look searchingly

691.                    penchant

a strong liking or preference

692.                    penury

a state of extreme poverty or destitution

693.                    perch

an elevated place serving as a seat

694.                    peremptory

putting an end to all debate or action

695.                    perennial

lasting an indefinitely long time

696.                    perfidious

tending to betray

697.                    perfidy

an act of deliberate betrayal

698.                    perfunctory

hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough

699.                    pernicious

exceedingly harmful

700.                    perpetuate

cause to continue or prevail

701.                    perplex

be a mystery or bewildering to

702.                    pertinent

being of striking appropriateness

703.                    pervade

spread or diffuse through

704.                    pestilence

any epidemic disease with a high death rate

705.                    petition

a formal request that something be submitted to an authority

706.                    petulance

an irritable feeling

707.                    petulant

easily irritated or annoyed

708.                    philanthropist

someone who makes charitable donations

709.                    phlegmatic

showing little emotion

710.                    pillage

steal goods; take as spoils

711.                    pine

a coniferous tree

712.                    piquant

having an agreeably pungent taste

713.                    pique

call forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response

714.                    pitch

the high or low quality of a sound

715.                    pith

spongelike central cylinder of the stems of flowering plants

716.                    placate

cause to be more favorably inclined

717.                    placid

calm and free from disturbance

718.                    plaintiff

a person who brings an action in a court of law

719.                    plaintive

expressing sorrow

720.                    platitude

a trite or obvious remark

721.                    plea

a humble request for help from someone in authority

722.                    plead

appeal or request earnestly

723.                    plethora

extreme excess

724.                    plod

walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud

725.                    pluck

pull lightly but sharply

726.                    plumb

exactly vertical

727.                    plummet

drop sharply

728.                    polemic

a verbal or written attack, especially of a belief or dogma

729.                    polymath

a person of great and varied learning

Often described as a polymath, Sunstein is fluent in political science and churns out books.Slate (Apr 12, 2010)

730.                    ponderous

having great mass and weight and unwieldiness

731.                    posit

take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom

732.                    posture

the arrangement of the body and its limbs

733.                    practitioner

someone who carries out a learned profession

734.                    preamble

a preliminary introduction, as to a statute or constitution

735.                    precarious

not secure; beset with difficulties

736.                    precedence

status established in order of importance or urgency

737.                    precious

of high worth or cost

738.                    precipice

a very steep cliff

739.                    precipitate

bring about abruptly

740.                    precipitous

extremely steep

741.                    preclude

make impossible, especially beforehand

742.                    precursor

something indicating the approach of something or someone

743.                    predilection

a predisposition in favor of something

744.                    predisposition

an inclination to interpret statements in a particular way

745.                    preen

clean with one's bill

746.                    premise

a statement that is held to be true

747.                    prerogative

a right reserved exclusively by a person or group

748.                    prescience

the power to foresee the future

749.                    presume

take to be the case or to be true

750.                    presumption

a premise that is taken for granted

751.                    presumptuous

going beyond what is appropriate, permitted, or courteous

752.                    prevaricate

be deliberately ambiguous or unclear

753.                    pristine

immaculately clean and unused

754.                    probity

complete and confirmed integrity

755.                    proclamation

a formal public statement

756.                    proclivity

a natural inclination

757.                    prodigal

recklessly wasteful

758.                    prodigality

the trait of spending extravagantly

759.                    prodigious

great in size, force, extent, or degree

760.                    prodigy

an unusually gifted or intelligent person

761.                    profligate

unrestrained by convention or morality

762.                    profound

situated at or extending to great depth

763.                    profundity

the quality of being physically deep

764.                    profuse

produced or growing in extreme abundance

765.                    prolong

lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer

766.                    prompt

according to schedule or without delay

767.                    prone

having a tendency

768.                    propensity

a natural inclination

769.                    propitiate

make peace with

770.                    proposition

a suggestion offered for acceptance or rejection

771.                    propriety

correct behavior

772.                    prosaic

lacking wit or imagination

773.                    protracted

relatively long in duration

774.                    provocation

a means of arousing or stirring to action

775.                    provocative

serving or tending to excite or stimulate

776.                    prudent

marked by sound judgment

777.                    prune

cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of

778.                    pucker

gather something into small wrinkles or folds

779.                    pugnacious

ready and able to resort to force or violence

780.                    pundit

an expert who publicly gives opinions via mass media

781.                    pungent

strong and sharp to the sense of taste or smell

782.                    pusillanimous

lacking in courage, strength, and resolution

783.                    putrefy

decay with an offensive smell

784.                    quack

the sound made by a duck

785.                    quaff

swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught

786.                    qualm

uneasiness about the fitness of an action

787.                    quarantine

isolation to prevent the spread of infectious disease

788.                    quash

declare invalid

789.                    quenching

the act of extinguishing; causing to stop burning

790.                    quibble

evade the truth of a point by raising irrelevant objections

791.                    quiescence

a state of possibly temporary inaction or dormancy

792.                    quintessential

representing the perfect example of a class or quality

793.                    quiver

shake with fast, tremulous movements

794.                    quotidian

found in the ordinary course of events

795.                    ramification

a consequence, especially one that causes complications

796.                    rampant

occurring or increasing in an unrestrained way

797.                    ranger

an official responsible for managing an area of forest

798.                    rarefy

lessen the density or solidity of

799.                    rash

imprudently incurring risk

800.                    rationale

an explanation of the fundamental reasons

801.                    recalcitrant

stubbornly resistant to authority or control

802.                    recant

formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief

803.                    recede

pull back or move away or backward

804.                    reciprocal

concerning each of two or more persons or things

805.                    reckless

marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences

806.                    recluse

one who lives in solitude

807.                    recompense

make payment to

808.                    recondite

difficult to understand

809.                    recourse

act of turning to for assistance

810.                    redeem

exchange or buy back for money; under threat

811.                    redoubtable

inspiring fear

812.                    refractory

stubbornly resistant to authority or control

813.                    refurbish

improve the appearance or functionality of

814.                    reinstate

bring back into original existence, function, or position

815.                    rejoicing

a feeling of great happiness

816.                    remorse

a feeling of deep regret, usually for some misdeed

817.                    rescind

cancel officially

818.                    reticent

reluctant to draw attention to yourself

819.                    reverberate

ring or echo with sound

820.                    rigor

excessive sternness

821.                    rotundity

the roundness of a 3-dimensional object

The greater bulk of the latter is situated immediately beneath the skin, and occasions that beautiful rotundity so much admired in children.Blacklock, Ambrose

822.                    salvage

rescuing a ship or its crew from a shipwreck or a fire

823.                    sate

fill to contentment

824.                    saturnine

bitter or scornful

825.                    savant

a learned person

826.                    scattered

lacking orderly continuity

827.                    sedulous

marked by care and persistent effort

828.                    shatter

break into many pieces

829.                    shirk

avoid one's assigned duties

830.                    shrill

having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones

831.                    shuck

material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds

832.                    shun

avoid and stay away from deliberately

833.                    shunt

a conductor diverting a fraction of current from a device

834.                    simper

smile in an insincere, unnatural, or coy way

835.                    sinister

wicked, evil, or dishonorable

836.                    sip

drink in sips

837.                    skeptical

marked by or given to doubt

838.                    sketchy

giving only major points; lacking completeness

839.                    skiff

a small boat propelled by oars or by sails or by a motor

840.                    slack

not tense or taut

841.                    sloppy

lacking neatness or order

842.                    slur

utter indistinctly

843.                    smother

deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing

844.                    sober

not affected by a chemical substance, especially alcohol

845.                    somber

serious and gloomy in character

846.                    sordid

foul and run-down and repulsive

847.                    specious

plausible but false

848.                    spell

write or name the letters that comprise the accepted form of

849.                    spendthrift

someone who spends money freely or wastefully

850.                    spine

the series of vertebrae forming the backbone

851.                    sporadic

recurring in scattered or unpredictable instances

852.                    spurious

plausible but false

853.                    squalid

foul and run-down and repulsive

854.                    squander

spend thoughtlessly; throw away

855.                    squelch

suppress or crush completely

856.                    stake

a strong wooden or metal post driven into the ground

857.                    stark

severely simple

858.                    startle

surprise greatly

859.                    steadfast

marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable

860.                    steep

having a sharp inclination

861.                    stickler

someone who insists on something

862.                    stiff

incapable of or resistant to bending

863.                    stifled

held in check with difficulty

864.                    stigma

a symbol of disgrace or infamy

865.                    stigmatize

condemn or openly brand as disgraceful

866.                    stint

supply sparingly and with restricted quantities

867.                    stipulate

make an express demand or provision in an agreement

868.                    stockade

fortification consisting of a fence set firmly for defense

869.                    stoop

bend one's back forward from the waist on down

870.                    strain

exert much effort or energy

871.                    stray

wander from a direct course or at random

872.                    striate

marked with stripes

873.                    strive

attempt by employing effort

874.                    strut

walk in a proud, confident way

875.                    subdue

put down by force or intimidation

876.                    suborn

incite to commit a crime or an evil deed

877.                    subpoena

a writ issued to compel the attendance of a witness

878.                    subsequent

following in time or order

879.                    subside

wear off or die down

880.                    substantial

real; having a material or factual existence

881.                    succumb

give in, as to overwhelming force, influence, or pressure

882.                    supplant

take the place or move into the position of

883.                    supplicate

ask for humbly or earnestly, as in prayer

884.                    susceptible

yielding readily to or capable of

885.                    sway

move back and forth

886.                    swift

moving very fast

887.                    swindle

deprive of by deceit

888.                    syncopated

stressing a normally weak beat

889.                    tacit

implied by or inferred from actions or statements

890.                    taciturn

habitually reserved and uncommunicative

891.                    tamp

press down tightly

892.                    tangential

of superficial relevance if any

893.                    tangible

perceptible by the senses, especially the sense of touch

894.                    tantalize

harass with persistent teasing or baiting

895.                    tapestry

a wall hanging of heavy fabric with pictorial designs

896.                    tarnish

make or become dirty or dull, as by exposure to air

897.                    taut

pulled or drawn tight

898.                    temperate

not extreme

899.                    tenable

based on sound reasoning or evidence

900.                    tentative

hesitant or lacking confidence; unsettled in mind or opinion

901.                    tepid

moderately warm

902.                    tirade

a speech of violent denunciation

903.                    topple

fall down, as if collapsing

904.                    torment

intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain

905.                    torpid

in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation

906.                    torpor

a state of motor and mental inactivity

Just as often, though, it was in search of an anchor, approaching torpor.New York Times (May 6, 2011)

907.                    tout

advertise in strongly positive terms

908.                    traitor

a person who says one thing and does another

909.                    trample

tread or stomp heavily or roughly

910.                    transgress

act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises

911.                    treacherous

dangerously unstable and unpredictable

912.                    tremor

an involuntary vibration, as if from illness or fear

913.                    trenchant

having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought

914.                    trepidation

a feeling of alarm or dread

915.                    truce

a state of peace agreed to between opponents

916.                    truculence

stubborn and defiant aggressiveness

He shoved his horse past me and up to Miss Bennett, his red moustache bristling, truculence in every outline of his heavy shoulders.Ross, Martin

917.                    turpitude

a corrupt or depraved or degenerate act or practice

918.                    tyro

someone new to a field or activity

919.                    unequivocal

admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding

920.                    untenable

incapable of being defended or justified

921.                    untoward

not in keeping with accepted standards of what is proper

922.                    uphold

stand up for; stick up for; of causes, principles, or ideals

923.                    uproar

a state of commotion and noise and confusion

924.                    usurp

seize and take control without authority

925.                    vacillate

be undecided about something

926.                    vagary

an unexpected and inexplicable change in something

927.                    vagrant

a wanderer with no established residence or means of support

928.                    valiant

having or showing heroism or courage

929.                    vanity

feelings of excessive pride

930.                    varnish

a coating that provides a hard, lustrous finish to a surface

931.                    vehemence

intensity or forcefulness of expression

932.                    venerable

profoundly honored

933.                    venerate

regard with feelings of respect and reverence

934.                    veracious

habitually speaking the truth

935.                    veracity

unwillingness to tell lies

936.                    verdant

characterized by abundance of vegetation and green foliage

937.                    veritable

not counterfeit or copied

938.                    vertigo

a reeling sensation; a feeling that you are about to fall

939.                    vex

disturb, especially by minor irritations

940.                    viable

capable of life or normal growth and development

941.                    vicious

having the nature of evildoing

942.                    vigilance

the process of paying close and continuous attention

943.                    vigor

forceful exertion

944.                    vilify

spread negative information about

945.                    vindicate

show to be right by providing justification or proof

946.                    vindictive

disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge

947.                    vituperate

spread negative information about

948.                    vituperative

marked by harshly abusive criticism

Tennessee Williams’s later work would be lucky to be deemed problematic, so vituperative have commentators been in their appraisals over time.New York Times (May 17, 2011)

949.                    vogue

a current state of general acceptance and use

950.                    volubility

the quality of being facile in speech and writing

951.                    voluptuous

displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses

952.                    voracious

devouring or craving food in great quantities

953.                    vulnerable

capable of being wounded or hurt

954.                    wan

pale, as of a person's complexion

955.                    wardrobe

a piece of furniture that provides storage space for clothes

956.                    wary

marked by keen caution and watchful prudence

957.                    waver

pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness

958.                    weary

physically and mentally fatigued

959.                    welter

a confused multitude of things

960.                    wheedle

influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering

961.                    whimsical

determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity

Dessert is an afterthought at Topaz Thai: her daughter, Aliyah, concocts some whimsical confections, like fried Oreos and brownies served with ice cream.New York Times (Mar 9, 2012)

962.                    wile

the use of tricks to deceive someone

963.                    withhold

hold back; refuse to hand over or share

By doing so, we are withholding from our neediest students any reason to read at all.New York Times (Apr 23, 2012)

964.                    zealot

a fervent and even militant proponent of something

Tyranny likes courtiers, flatterers, followers, fawners, and superstition wants believers, disciples, zealots, hypocrites, and subscribers.Ingersoll, Robert Green

965.                    zenith

the highest point of something

Performance increased at a slower pace after age 20, reaching a zenith of 83 percent correct responses for study volunteers between ages 30 and 34.

966.                    zephyr

a slight wind

Thy zephyrs soft, thy falling showers, No more have charms for me; Maternal Summer, too, adieu!—Ballou, Maturin Murray

Created on May 10, 2012 (updated August 10, 2012)




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